of Audio Terminology
Java The trademarked name for a object-oriented programming
language developed by Sun Microsystems. Java allows high-speed fully
interactive Web pages to be developed for the Internet or any type
of platform.
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) Refers to
both the Experts Group and the Imaging Standard. The Joint
Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) is the working group of ISO,
International Standard Organization, that defined the popular JPEG
Imaging Standard for compression used in still image applications.
This group convenes three times a year, in Europe, North America and
Jitter A tendency towards lack of synchronization caused by electrical
changes. Technically the unexpected (and unwanted) phase shift of
digital pulses over a transmission medium. A discrepancy between
when a digital edge transition is supposed to occur and when it
actually does occur - think of it as the digital analogy to wow
and flutter in a analog turntable.