FreeTalk is the no-license required, talk all you want for free, personal radio from Kenwood Communications. Low cost, lightweight and powerful, this portable is ideal to keep groups together while hiking, hunting, camping or even just the mall. Perfect for car caravanning, at amusement parks and to keep track of everyone in the family. Scrambling, 14 channels and 38 talk groups are just some of the unique, easy use features of this Family Radio Service portable.

Some of this radio's high test technical features include PrivacyTalk(scrambling), Group Mode (CTCSS) with Auto Channel Select. Weighing only 6.3 ounces, with a unique flip down antenna, swivel belt clip and LCD channel display, the radio operates on FM frequencies in the 460 MHz bands. Powered by three AA alkaline batteries, FreeTalk has a 2 mile range and can be kept on stand-by for 120 hours. The FreeTalk is available in two colors - black and yellow - with a complete range of accessories including headset and microphone. With a retail price of $159 per radio, the radio has already been declared a "Top Pick" by user publications like Powerboat Reports. Want more information? Click here to send us e-mail and requests.

What is FRS? The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) authorized Family Radio Service in 1996 as a short distance, unlicensed, two-way voice radio service for general purpose use. Family Radio Service is meant to be used for direct, personal voice communications among two or more people.

FRS radios are personal two-way(send/receive) radios which conform to the FCC FRS specifications. In brief, they're an inexpensive and easy way to communicate with family and friends over short distances(under 2 miles). They can be used within a neighborhood or while at a shopping mall, ball game, amusement park, ect. FRS radios can be used by groups engaged in activities that take people out of sight or earshot of each other while remaining in the same general area, such as while hiking, hunting, camping, bicycling, caravanning, etc, FRS radios are small, rugged and easy to use, so they can be used by children as well as adults.

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